About Us

What Does it mean to be Brat’n?


Every so often, we hear the word “brat” and it holds a negative connotation of being spoiled. Thing is - EVERY woman deserves to be spoiled. Being spoiled can mean that you’d never settle. 

With that being said, honey, I don’t mind being a BRAT! Because, I’m going after every thing I deserve. 

There’s rules to this babe…First thing’s First

  1. Accept Zero “No’s” from anyone!
  2. Never allow anyone to discourage you from chasing your dreams!
  3. Again, there’s no such thing as “No”!
  4. Know that you can accomplish any & everything that you put your mind to in life!! 

Since this means that we’re Brats, let’s cheers to taking our own path… in style! 




Our Fempreneur

The successful, young, black fempreneur R. Dior, & creator of Brat'n is a handbag designer, stylist and fashionista. Her mission is for women to have their voices heard in a fashionable way, while reminding them not to accept NO for an answer. 


“Remember to turn those no's into YESES!! You can attract everything your heart desires by being a BRAT! ”  




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